Activist Investors in Europe: Who will they target next? Interim outlook – June 2021

Article by A&M

Shareholder activism directed at European companies is a growing and evolving reality for the Boards of quoted corporates. When such activism turns into a public campaign by one or more investors, there can be very significant financial and reputational risks for the targeted corporate and its Board.

Click here to read the latest Activist Alert –Interim outlook for 2021.

A&M has developed the “A&M Activist Alert” or “AAA” to predict which corporates will be the next to be targeted. The AAA is the most comprehensive statistical analysis of its kind. The analysis focuses on 1,598 corporates with a market capitalisation of US$200 million or more, listed and headquartered in the U.K., Germany, France, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Benelux, Italy and Spain.

The resulting predictive model successfully predicted the majority of corporates publicly targeted by activists since January 2015. The report is published twice yearly. We do not publicise the AAA scores for individual companies, or those that feature on our Red or Amber lists. However, individual companies can check their position on the Alert List by contacting A&M.

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